Sunday, September 18, 2016

RTI: Professional Development Session with Dr. Joyce Jamerson –
Math  Intervention Links

Breakout Exploration: Locate interventions that you can use during your daily intervention block right away!

Kindergarten: K_GAMES.pdf

1st Grade:  1_GAMES.pdf

2nd Grade: 2_GAMES.pdf

3rd Grade: 3_GAMES.pdf

4th Grade: 4_GAMES.pdf

5th Grade: 5_GAMES.pdf

NCTM Illuminations (K-12):

Khan Academy:

K-5 Math Teaching Resources: 

*Watch how it works: 
*Introduction for Students:

Thursday, September 15, 2016

RTI:Reading Interventions 
Professional Development Session with Dr. Joyce Jamerson
Online Resources

[Jigsaw Activity] Designing and Delivering Intensive Interventions:
Learn, Plan, Implement, Reflect, and Refine – we are completing the LEARN section during the PD session):

Breakout Exploration: Locate interventions that you can use during your daily intervention block right away!

Essential Reading Strategies for the Struggling Reader:

Supplemental Instruction for Struggling Readers:

Florida Center for Reading Research
*Empowering Teachers (K-3, small group explicit instruction):
*Student Activities (K-5 CC Aligned)
*VPK Learning Center Activities (Pre-K):

Effective Instruction for MS Students with Reading Difficulties (Teachers Sourcebook):

So many great resources...but so little time! Extended Learning Opportunities…Additional Research-based Interventions to Explore Later:

West Virginia Reading First Explicit Phonics Lessons:

New York State Intervention Tool Chart (K-12): 

Intervention Central

Reading Rockets Classroom Strategies:

Easy CBMlite:
Additional Intervention Resources:

The Savvy Teacher’s Guide: Reading Interventions that Work:

Attention Administration and/or RTI Leadership Team...Here are a couple of additional resources for you to explore as you seek to build school-wide capacity for your RTI plan!

Building RTI Capacity

NY State Response to Intervention Technical Assistance Center